reigen arataka
A picture of Ivan Braginsky holding his hands together in front of the Kremlin A picture of Ivan Braginsky in a chibi art style holding his hands together A picture of Ivan Braginsky in a tuxedo in front of a fancy background A picture of Ivan Braginsky smiling and resting his chin on his hands A picture of Ivan Braginsky covering his mouth and giggling with a cute filter
reigen arataka is a faux psychic from the anime mob psycho 100. he is the owner of spirits and such consulting, a front originally intended to allow reigen an easy (if dishonest) way to make money with little effort. but when a real child psychic, shigeo kageyama, asked for his help he quickly became a good mentor to the boy. although he is a compulsive liar, he has a heart of gold and his dishonesty stems from a deep sense of inferiority and insecurity. even though his confidence is false, it still helps others, allowing him to eventually become a better man by those same peoples influence. he is deeply loney and depressed but learns to love himself and his friends. yaaay (:

status: inactive ): position: boyfriend anniversary: december 2nd, 2022

all images are linked to their original artists if i can find them (: otherwise, they're all from one (the author of mob psycho 100) or studio bones